Volunteering at Hope Clinic - Baby Care Distribution and Organizing
Summary: Community Members are welcome to come once a month to pick up baby care supplies like diapers, wipes, formula and baby food. Below you will find instructions for Baby Care Restocking and Distribution.
If you were unable to fill out your volunteer paperwork online - be sure to bring your filled out paperwork or ask for a copy when you arrive.
Baby Care Set-Up Process for Distribution
Step One: Set Up Room
Set up check in area Set up tables with clipboards, pens, handsanitizer and Baby Care Request Forms. You can put a stand with an example form filled out to help make sure we get necessary information. One volunteer should set up with a laptop at this table or at the corner computer.
Set up distribution area Several tables should be set up for distribution. 1-2 tables will hold clothing, books and other free items, as well as different types of formula and baby food. Another table should be set up for volunteers to go over the request form with the guest and mark down what is given out. Have pens and bags on hand, along with chairs if needed.
Bring all items of distribution – diapers, wipes, formula, and baby food – to area of distribution. Organize all items to make the area look clean and easily accessible for clients.
Baskets of diapers and wipes can be set up behind the volunteer table to be collected as needed for each client.
Distribution amounts vary depending on inventory of each size. Make sure you have an up-to-date list of how many of each size to give away. Diapers are given out in multiples of 12. Some diapers are broken down into packs of 12, others are labeled with an approximate multiple of 12.
Checklist for Check-In/Distribution Process
First steps Check In
Welcome Baby Care guests Greet parent/adult and ask them to fill out a baby care request form before checking in with the volunteer at the computer. You can set up a table with forms on clipboards in advance. Spanish and Arabic forms are available.
First Time Visitors If the guest indicates that this is their first time at Hope for Baby Care, let them know we’re happy they found Hope Clinic.
If the child is being registered for their first Baby Care Request, please ask to see a picture of the birth certificate or other official documentation. Receiving the birth certificate will verify the child’s identity and ensures that Hope’s record matches their official name and DOB. If they don't have it, just ask that they bring it with them the next time they come and inform them that they can recieve an emergency quantity that day. You can mark on their request form that they have been informed and will verify at next visit.
If birth certificate is seen, please record through checking the box marked Birth Certificate Verification.
For first time registrants, make sure the form captures all the relevant information clearly, including parent’s name and DOB and contact information. You can still search the child or parent in quickbase to make sure that a record doesn’t already exist, as sometimes another family member has already registered the child.
Receive Child’s name and Date of Birth (D.O.B.). Sign into quickbase and choose “Hope Center” . Use the information on the request form to look up the child and determine if they are eligible for pick up that day.
Click “Client Search” and search for the client/child using their DOB in the format MM-DD-YYYY and click on the eye icon by their name to view the record.
At the top of the profile, it will have a section labelled “Eligibility Information” with a section called “Baby Care”. If the eligibility date is in the future, they may not pick up that day. If it shows they are eligible today, that means they have not picked up baby care items for more than 28 days and are eligible.
If you cannot find the child using DOB, try just their last name. Sometimes things are entered incorrectly. If you find a mistake, note it on the form and it will be corrected when the visit is entered later.
If the adult picking up Baby Care items is picking up for more than one child, please give them a second form and follow the steps listed above. A separate form should be filled out for each child.
The bottom portion of the form should be left for the distribution volunteers to fill out. The guests can indicate brand and size preferences on the form, but they can also discuss this with the distribution volunteers.
Proceed to second step only if Child is deemed eligible for pick-up today.
Second steps Distribution
Send client to distribution area with the filled-out form to hand to the Baby Care distribution volunteer.
Receive Baby Care Request Form. Review form and begin to assemble items.
As you are assembling items, please fill out the bottom of the Baby Care Request Form for what is being given to client.
Must write what is given in numbers.
Example for 1 year old child:
Formula --> 2 containers
Diapers --> 8 bags of sizes 2 diapers
Wipes --> 2 bags
Baby food --> 8 jars
Make sure the client has all necessary items before they leave the distribution area and that the form is filled out to reflect completion of items.
Fill the form into a marked area. Please make sure all forms are placed into this area and no client leaves with their form. At the end of your shift, bring all forms to the front desk.
If shelves with big packs of diapers are looking scarce, pack 36 diapers using plastic wrap and include a size tag.
Pack 12 diapers into gallon-size plastic bags, label bag with size (Newborn, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
All sizes of pull-ups/training pants are packed 6 per gallon-size bag
Take diapers from shelving units in Baby Care basement room. Once packed, place bags in appropriate size red laundry basket in upstairs Baby Care closets on main level. Extra packs of diapers go into emptied diaper boxes and back on the shelving units in the basement. Write “bagged” on the box and write the diaper size (if different than size printed on the box).
Pack wipes into quart-size plastic bags, ¾ inch thick (if surplus wipes, pack 1-inch thick)
Take wipes from cabinets/drawers in basement. Once packed, place bags in red laundry basket labeled "wipes” in upstairs Baby Care closet.
Write MONTH and YEAR of expiration on individual containers of formula
Formula is sorted, stored, and distributed by brand and variety
Storage is in upstairs Baby Care closet; extra storage on labeled shelving units in the Baby Care basement room
Baby Food:
Write MONTH and YEAR of expiration on individual baby food (jars, packets, oatmeal, etc.)
Baby food (jars and plastic containers) are sorted, stored and distributed by kind
Other kinds of baby food (i.e. packets, rice cereal, etc.) are not put into plastic bags. They are stored separately and placed on the table for families to take
Storage is in upstairs Baby Care closet; extra storage on labeled shelving units in the Baby Care basement room