Church Anchors
Empower your church to provide help + healing
Bridge the Divide
There is often a disconnect between the life we talk about on Sunday and our lives during the rest of the week. People want to serve but placements are difficult to plug into or don’t allow opportunities to engage deeply, creating a barrier between the church and greater community.
There is a better way for churches to engage in mission and deepen their service to the community. It is called the Church Anchor program.
What is a church anchor?
Anchors are individuals who empower the church to engage in ministry to those in need. You become Hope's representative to your church, acting as a connection point helping partner churches serve, give, pray, and connect to the work of the kingdom.
Serve Sacrificially
As a Hope Anchor, you will help your church grow in service and love of their neighbors. We will provide opportunities for your church to engage in volunteer projects both at Hope and onsite at your church. You will ensure that your church is informed of these opportunities and knows how to get involved.
Give Generously
As an anchor you will help present opportunities for your church to give donations of goods and finances that enables Hope to run. We will provide simple methods to get involved financially, and will also help you set up things like food drives that directly help those who come to us in need.
Pray Faithfully
Prayer connects and unifies us with each other and with God. We ask our Church Anchors to set aside weekly time to pray for our needs at Hope, as well as leading your congregation into prayer for our clients and ministries. We will keep you informed of prayer needs and join you in praying for your congregation.
Connect Deeply
The vision guiding Hope is to build a place where all are able to serve and be served, finding help + healing in the name of Christ. As an Anchor you will connect interested members of your congregation with opportunities to serve their community. You will also have the opportunity to link members of your congregation who are in need of services to Hope and lovingly receive Hope clients who are looking for a church family.