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Wall of volunteer lanyards at Hope Medical shows just how many dedicated professionals come together to provide exceptional patient care at Hope Clinic!

Medical Director Dr. Martha Kershaw with a patient.

Medical Director Dr. Martha Kershaw takes a patient’s vitals.


A patient is all smiles after Hope’s head dentist Dr. Mark Cooks (right), and volunteer dentist Dr. Anish Gupta (second from left) perform a successful extraction!

A patient shows off her beautiful new smile with the dentist who helped her achieve it! Volunteer dentist Dr. Lenny Lofstrom.

Colleen (Hygienist) and Dr. Pam Dickieson

Dental Hygienist Colleen performs patients’ dental cleanings.

Gwen (Hygienist) and Dr. Mark Cooks, Dental Director


Volunteers pause for a photo during their meal prep! Hope Clinic serves hot meals six nights per week.

Volunteers prepare free fresh produce to be distributed at the Farm Stand to neighbors in need.



Behavioral Health Manager Julie Payne smiles for a photo in the Hope Clinic lobby.


Hope Clinic is an interdenominational Christian organization. Hope is unique because we offer prayer and spiritual care alongside our other services. We see spiritual health as an indivisible component of a person’s overall health and quality of life.

Healthcare navigation and patient advocacy are integral components of Hope Clinic’s Behavioral Health strategy—these services help clients achieve sustainable changes toward a life with fewer barriers and more thriving.

Behavioral Health Consultants work with every medical patient to screen for behavioral health concerns like housing insecurity, hunger, domestic abuse, substance use, depression, PTSD, and more. When patients screen positive for a Behavioral Health concern, they can receive immediate intervention during the same visit.
