
Dear Friend of Hope Clinic:
Over 52,000.

That’s the number of requests for food that you helped to fulfill last year, which is more than double the number Hope Clinic provided in 2019.  

New patients joined us in the Medical and Dental Clinics since the start of the pandemic after many lost jobs and insurance along with it.  Many people shared their increased struggles with depression and anxiety.  Because of your support, thousands of people were listened to, while also doing laundry, getting food, and receiving help.  

As part of Hope Clinic’s mission to make lives better by serving the whole person in Jesus’ name, we have pivoted (I know, it’s a COVID word!) again to provide the vaccine.   

We’re partnering with IHA and others to vaccinate not only Hope Clinic patients but also the wider community.  You can be part of this directly through your support.  It will be as if you’re giving a shot in the arm to the community.  

We invite you to be part of the mission through your prayers and support.  Please give as you feel led and make even more lives better this year!  

Peace be with you, 

M. Douglas Campbell
Executive Director

P.S. We are excited to share that very soon we will launch Hope for Tomorrow: A Campaign To Make Lives Better. This campaign over the next three years will ensure Hope Clinic's commitment to care for the most vulnerable. More news coming soon!