Volunteering with Hope Clinic
Lobby Runner

If you were unable to fill out your volunteer paperwork online - be sure to bring your filled out paperwork or ask for a copy when you arrive.
This position is essential to the functioning of the Front Lobby! We need you! As a Lobby Runner you will assist the Front Desk Staff in managing donations as they come in, check in volunteers, answer the door, and any variety of task that may come up.



  • Check in – When you arrive for your shift, please  report to Hope’s main entrance at the back of the parking lot.  

  • The door will be locked, so ring the doorbell or call 734-484-2989 if there is no one there to let you in. 

  • Make sure you log your hours using the kiosk AND sign in on the contact tracing form. 

Get your supplies – Introduce yourself to the Front Desk Staff and let them know you’re the lobby runner. The staff will give you a key fob, so that you can go in and our of the front door, and a walkie talkie so that the front desk staff can call you if they need assistance with a donation when you are down in the pantry.

Complete donation slip – The staff will show you the clipboard of donation forms.

  • You must fill out a donation form for all donations, even if the donor doesn’t want a copy and it must include the donors name (or the Organization/church/school) or say ANON if they wish to remain anonymous. It must also have contact information (if no ANON), a brief description of the donation (ie “Pantry items” or “Diapers”) and an estimated amount.

  • Put completed slips in Julie Redente’s Mailbox.  

  • For Amazon donations, staple the slip inside the box with the donor’s name to a donation form and place it in Julie’s mailbox.  

Bring out cart for personal donations – The front desk staff will alert you when someone calls and says they have a donation in the parking lot. Bring a rolling cart to the individual’s car (for COVID-19 precautions no one is allowed into the building unless they have an appointment).

  • Fill out a receipt slip and be sure to ask the person donating for the amount or estimate the pricing (we estimate one box of food around $25).

  • Separate the two sheets – the donor gets the yellow paper, Hope keeps the white.

  • For medical or dental supplies, follow the procedures for the different departments in terms of donations (see below).

Bring donation to correct department – Any packages that come in should be addressed to the department; for food the package may say something like ‘attention food pantry’ or clearly have food inside.

For general food donations: Take all items down to the dining room and place them on the donation table for volunteers to put away.  

Keep an eye out for: any opened/expired food, farm eggs (i.e. from someone’s yard chickens), homemade bread with no label, frozen food that has been out for 45 minutes or more.

For Amazon food donations: After you have taken the items out of the boxes, break the boxes down and take to the loading dock or the dining room. Take food items down to the dining room and put them on the table for volunteers to put away.  

For medical donations: There is a light green plastic folder labeled “Medical Clinic Donations (Approved)” at the front desk.  All medical clinic donations that have been approved will be in that folder.  

Ask for the donor’s name and check for a donation form in the green folder.  If you find one, accept the donation and have the donor complete as much of the donation form as possible.  

·         If the donor has not had their donation previously approved, give them a flyer “DONATIONS HOPE CAN’T ACCEPT.”

·         If the donor claims they were pre-approved but you can’t find anything, complete a blank form and accept the donation. 

·         If the donor is bringing in items from a bereavement, complete a blank form and accept the donation. Bring the donation and donation form back to room 114 or 108 in the medical clinic. 

·         Medications and diabetic supplies go in room 114.

·         All other medical supplies go in room 108.

·         Make sure that the donation form is securely attached to the donation!

If the green folder is too full, look at the dates on the donation forms and get rid of those that are 3 months old or older. 

·         If the donor called but never showed up with the donation, get rid of those old forms. 

Medical cannot accept open/unsealed or expired medications; insulin must be refrigerated.

·         Always ask the donor if there is any medication that needs to be refrigerated in the donation.  If so, notify someone in the medical clinic immediately.  In worst case scenario, put donation in any available refrigerator and leave a message for medical. 

General donations Hope cannot take: We cannot accept clothes or furniture items. Please suggest that they donate to the Ypsilanti Thrift Shop, who provides free vouchers to Hope’s clients.

Help monitor front desk – There will typically be down-time between donations, so please ask the front desk team if there are any tasks they need assistance with!