
2022 is Hope Clinic’s 40th Birthday!

For these 40 days of Lent, we are encouraging our community to deepen their connection to Hope Clinic and become people of greater and greater hope.


Lent is an ancient Christian season that seeks to draw people more deeply into their relationship with God. Through prayer, fasting, and works of generosity, we ask that the noise of life would be turned down and that the rhythms of God's ways would become more clear.

We hope that you will join us this season in reading and considering our daily Lenten reflections, 40 Days of Hope. By signing up you will receive a short email each morning that will offer a fresh perspective on a scripture verse.

Our reflections will include prompts for putting the teaching into action. We hope these will help you to think about how you can connect God's story to your own life each day.

Do you have a Church or Small Group?

If you have a small group, consider using these reflections as a basis for conversations

  • Use a reflection as a starting point for a weekly gathering

  • Use the “Hope in Action” section to generate ideas for your own church or group.


Join the Conversation Online!

We'll be featuring the reflections on our social media. Follow us and comment!

Click Here to Read Past Devotionals: [Archive]